1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959
“3 Negro Golfers Are First to Play At McIntire Park”
Daily Progress, Tuesday April 4, 1950, page 3
PHOTO: “Negro Golfers Play at McIntire”
Daily Progress, Wednesday April 5, 1950, page 12
“U. Va., Greenwood Benefit From Will”
Blanche Ortman’s included $5000 “for the benefit of Negro children at New Town, Albemarle County, sometimes referred to as the Greenwood Negro School.”
Daily Progress, Tuesday October 31, 1950, page 5
“Local Restaurant Employee Raped”
Daily Progress, Monday May 7, 1951, page 1
“Jackson Enters Not Guilty Plea”
Includes photo of Albert Jackson
Daily Progress, Monday July 2, 1951, pages 1 and 5
“Hospitals Next NAACP Target: May Test U. Va. On Segregation System”
Daily Progress, Monday July 2, 1951, page 1
“Defense Rests in Rape Trial”
Daily Progress, Tuesday July 3, 1951, pages 1 & 5
“Swanson Will Ask for Verdict of Death for Rape Be Set Aside”
Daily Progress, Thursday July 5, 1951, pages 1 and 3
“Jackson Ordered to Die in Chair September 14 for Rape”
Daily Progress, Friday July 6, 1951, page 1
“Governor Hears Clemency Pleas”
Daily Progress, Tuesday August 19, 1952, page 3
“Jackson Goes to Death in Chair at State Prison”
Daily Progress, Monday August 25, 1952, page 1
“Yesteryears: ‘Lightning-granted reprieve’ gave inmate a few more weeks of life” by David Maurer, April 23, 2016 https://www.dailyprogress.com/article_6118bbc2-08d6-11e6-98a9-27cc72430dcb.html
“Day Nursery Takes Care of Children So Parents Can Work”
Janie Porter Barrett Day Nursery on Commerce Street
Daily Progress, Tuesday October 13, 1953, page 5
“Famed Tarleton Oak Given Surgery to Preserve Its Life”
Daily Progress, Friday July 30, 1954, page 3
“One Generation Saw the Change from One-Room Schools to Modern Plants” by Boyce Loving
Daily Progress, Thursday November 11, 1954, page 8
“Looking Back” by Vera V. Via
On the history of the building of Charlottesville Black churches.
The editor of the condensed version of Keeping the Faith published in MACH (Vol.39 1981, page 26), cites Vera V. Via, Daily Progress, March 24, 1955 as the source of a passage from a typewritten reminiscence signed “J. G. S.” This is the only article by Via in this issue. Richard McKinney did not give a citation when he quoted the passage on page 58 of KTF.
Daily Progress, Thursday March 24, 1955, page 25
“Suit Asks U. S. Court Order to End Schools Segregation Here”
Daily Progress, Monday May 7, 1956 page 1 and page 15
EDITORIAL: “Our School Problem”
“Help of a sort may come from the Federal Court which, in recognition of the difficulties that are involved, may move slowly in demanding compliance with the desegregation ruling. But anything of that sort would be at best no more than a postponement.”
Daily Progress, Tuesday May 8, 1956, page 4
“Judge Paul Denies Three Motions to Dismiss Desegregation Suit; Hints Decree Favoring NAACP”
Daily Progress, Thursday July 12, 1956, page 1 & page 17
“Mass Meeting Backs Proposal to Ignore Integration Orders”
Daily Progress, Tuesday July 24, 1956, page 1 & page 11
“More Than 1,200 Overflow Lane High School to Protest Integration”
Includes photo of audience at meeting
Daily Progress, Tuesday July 24, 1956, page 3
“Charges Dropped; Councils Group Resumes Drive Here”
“Kasper said he will hold the rally at Belmont or on any other available public land whether or not permission is granted . . . He said he will have handbills printed about his speech and they will be distributed from door-to-door. He said he may be back in Charlottesville during the week. The topic of his speech will concern ‘Why Charlottesville has been picked by the NAACP and the Red-controlled Supreme Court as the first Virginia city to mix the white and Negro races in its schools . . . how the people themselves of Charlottesville, under the leadership of the White Citizens Councils, will stop school-mongrelism in Charlottesville.’”
Daily Progress, Saturday August 11, 1956, page 1 & page 9
“Four White Citizens’ Speakers To Be Here For Saturday Meet”
“Kasper said today, ‘We don’t expect every segregationist to agree with our methods of approach on the matter, but we do expect every white person to be a segregationist or migrate to the North where he will find more sympathy.’”
Daily Progress, Friday August 17, 1956, page 3
“Kasper Says Will Run Human Relations Council Out of Town”
Cross burned on side lawn of Westminster Presbyterian Church while Charlottesville-Albemarle Chapter of the Virginia Council on Human Relations was holding a meeting there. Among the members of the Council present and mentioned in the article are C. E. Moran, Jr., Eugene Williams, Randolph White, and Sarah Patton Boyle.
Daily Progress, Friday August 24, 1956, page 3
“Cross is Burned at Boyle Home: Second Episode Here Within Week’s Time”
Daily Progress, Thursday August 30, 1956, page 3
“Mrs. Boyle Hits Defiance Course”
Includes photo of burning cross with caption: “Light In The Night”
Daily Progress, Friday August 31, 1956, page 2
“Father-and-Son Night”
Photo of Alabama man, J. D. Ratliff, with his 9-year-old son, both dressed in robes, at Birmingham KKK rally where three 20-foot crosses were burned. Note that this article appeared in the August 31, 1956 Daily Progress, the same issue that published news of the cross burning at Boyle’s home.
Daily Progress, August 31, 1956, page 26 (Page Eight—Section Two)
“Third Cross-Burning Described by Mrs. Morris Brown as ‘Dud’”
Mrs. Morris Brown, 201 Sunset Ave., vice-president of local chapter of Virginia Council on Human Relations
Daily Progress, Friday September 7, 1956, page 3
“Cross Burned Wednesday Night is Fourth Here”
Dr. Frank D. Daniel of High St., finance chairman of local chapter of Virginia Council on Human Relations
Daily Progress, Friday December 7, 1956, page 17
“Volunteers Donate Skin for Severely-Burned Child”
“Those who gave the skin were Charles Barbour, 18, of Coxes Row and a senior at Burley High School; Rose Marie Dearing, 19, of Grove Street, a graduate of Burley; and Jacqueline Barnett, 14, of Grove Street, a first year high school student. The two girls are cousins and their mothers are employes [sic] of the health center at the hospital.”
Daily Progress, Tuesday December 24, 1957, page 19
“Housing Report Urges Slum Clearance in Eight Sections”
Daily Progress, Tuesday May 20, 1958, pages 1 and 5
“Integration at Lane, Venable Carried Out Without Incident”
Daily Progress, Tuesday September 8, 1959, pages 1 & 3
“Jaycees Reject Housing Proposal”
Jaycees voted 56 to 15 to reject resolution to “approve and endorse the objectives of the Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority and to support the authority in attaining these objectives.”
William C. Battle, attorney, spoke in opposition:
“Battle told the Jaycees his chief objection to the program is the Housing Authority’s power to acquire all the land in an area defined as blighted, whether individual buildings are blighted or not, then to clear and improve the land and resell it for private use. “He described the power as ‘one of the most flagrant violations of the personal, individual right to own property that I have ever heard of. It will open the way for more politics and more elbow rubbing than you ever thought existed when you come to find out who gets those parcels of land that are to be sold off.’”
Daily Progress, Friday November 20, 1959, pages 1 and 12