Hardy, Rev R. B.
“Rev. R. B. Hardy, D. D., for twenty-five years pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist Church (Colored), died at 2 o’clock this morning at his home on Dice Street. He had been a sufferer from heart trouble for six months and had not been able to fill his pulpit for several weeks past. He was taken ill at 1 o’clock last night and the end came an hour later.
“Royal Brown Hardy was born near Roanoke, Va., on March 27, 1856, and was, therefore, sixtyone years of age. He taught school for several years in Botetourt, Buchanan and other Virginia counties and later entered Virginia Union University, Richmond, from which he graduated. Upon leaving college he engaged for a brief while in missionary work, coming later to Charlottesville to accept the pastorate of Mt. Zion Church. He served the local congregation faithfully and well and was always foremost in anything tending toward the uplift of members of his race. He was held in high esteem by white and colored. He was president of the Baptist Ministerial Conference and for eighteen years was Moderator of the Shiloh Baptist Association, a position which he surrendered on account of feeble health.
“Twenty-four years ago Rev. Hardy married Sallisco Payne, daughter of Rev. E. Payne, of Richmond. She survives, with three children—two sons and one daughter—George Hardy, of New Jersey, Aubrey and Virginia Hardy, of this city. He also leaves one brother, John W. Hardy, of Chicago.
“The funeral arrangements have not been completed.”
Wednesday October 3, 1917, page 1
Hardy, Rev R. B.
Thursday October 4, 1917, page 1
Harris, Mrs. Ella
Under “Announcements” in Classified Ads
Saturday December 26, 1953, page 10
Harris, Eliza
“Fatally Burned” (Eliza Harris near Keswick. Cooking for Mrs. M. K. Everett)
Thursday April 6, 1899, page 1
Harris, Maggie C.
“Maggie C. Harris Dead”
Friday November 23, 1923, page 1
Harris, Tonie
“Found Dead: Worthy Colored Man, Tonie Harris, Passes Away”
“Tonie Harris, a well known colored man, aged about [50?] years, who resides in Georgetown, two miles west of the city, was found dead in the road near Ivy Creek last night about 10 o’clock. Harris was returning home from Mr. William Garth’s place, where he had been at work and it is thought that he probably burst a blood vessel in his head by overexertion.
“Dr. J. H. Browning and Magistrate E. G. Haden viewed the body today but the latter gentleman decided that an inquest was unnecessary. The remains will be interred tomorrow.
“Harris was a highly respected man by both whites and blacks. He was famous in the city and county as a meat cooker and was always in demand at barbecues. He had taken part in many famous ones.”
According to census records, Tony Harris was born around 1845, so he would have been about 57 years old in 1902.
Friday February 14, 1902, page 1
Heiskell, Coleman
Monday July 6, 1925, page 3
See also: https://daughtersofzioncemetery.org/the-people/heiskell-coleman
Heiskell, Gillespie
“Worthy Colored Man Dead.”
Wednesday January 3, 1912, page 1
Henderson, Archie
Tuesday February 2, 1926, page 1
Henderson, Susie
Under “Death Notices” in Classified Ads
Friday September 20, 1963, page 21
Herns, William
“William Herns.”
Thursday August 24, 1899, page 1
Hicks, Hardenia
“Centenarian Dead.”
Saturday August 11, 1906, page 1
Hill, Albert
“Died in Jail”
“Albert Hill, colored, of Albemarle county, who was in jail awaiting trial for horse stealing, died yesterday morning from typhoid fever, says today’s Staunton Dispatch. He will not be buried in Potters field, but will have a decent burial today in the colored cemetery.”
Tuesday October 13, 1908, page 1
Holmes, Albert
Monday April 14, 1902, page 1
Holt, Charles B.
Under “Announcements” in Classified Ads
Tuesday December 26, 1950, page 13
“On April 18, 2006 the Legal Aid Justice Center and the Rock House Steering Committee celebrated the restoration of the Charles B. Holt Rock House at a ceremony attended by over 200 community members. Julian Bond, Chairman of the NAACP and University of Virginia Professor of History, gave a moving dedication address. In June, 2007, the Rock House Garden and Historic Path were unveiled with photo engraved plaques that tell the story of Charles B. Holt, his home, and the era in which he lived.” https://www.justice4all.org/?s=holt
Holt, Mary
Under “Announcements” in Classified Ads
Saturday March 21, 1953, page 11
Hooker, Albert
“Albert Hooker Dead”
“Albert Hooker, aged sixty-five years, an old and faithful employe of the Southern Railway, died yesterday after a brief illness.
“Hooker had been continuously in the service of the Southern Railway and its predecessors for forty-two years, commencing on the track and from that to truckman in the freight depot, serving first in this capacity under the late James Minor, the first agent of old Orange & Alexandria Railroad at Charlottesville, and under successive agents to the day of his death.
“Mr. Hooker,” as he was familiarly known among the clerks, was sober, honest and a faithful Christian, often admonishing the young men that their frivolous ways were not in accord with the Bible.
“Hooker was buried from Ebenezer church this afternoon.”
Wednesday August 22, 1906, page 1
Hudson, Jack
“Instantly Killed”
Monday September 3, 1917, page 1
Hughes, Robert
“Death of a Colored Preacher”
“The Rev. Robert Hughes died yesterday morning about 9 o’clock at his home near Campbell’s station, aged about seventy.
“He was descended from a favorite servant of Thomas Jefferson and was of a family of great intelligence and honesty. Much of his life was spent as pastor of Union Run and Zion Hill churches. He faithfully [discharged his duties] as a pastor and as a husband father and neighbor. He had the respect and good wishes of a host of white people who with his numerous colored admirers, sincerely mourn his death.”
Saturday January 5, 1895, page 1
Hughes, Thomas
“Was Gen. R. E. Lee’s Body Servant”
Monday July 6, 1896, page 1
Inge, George P.
“Prominent Negro Merchant Is Dead”
Monday March 15, 1948, page 7
Jackson, Buck
“Dies of Injuries”
Thursday August 16, 1906, page 1
Jackson, John Andrew
“Two Well-Known Negroes Die At Their Homes In Albemarle”
Conley G. Greer and Dr. John Andrew Jackson
Tuesday May 1, 1956, page 3
Jackson, Nannie Cox
“Funeral Services for Pioneer Negro Educator Tomorrow”
Monday September 21, 1953, page 11
Jackson, Noah
Monday November 30, 1914, page 1
Jackson, Sarah
“Faithful Servant Dead”
Monday February 02, 1920, page 6
Jasper, Haywood
“Colored Resident Dead”
Monday December 13, 1926, page 10
Jefferson, Charity
“Death of Centenarian”
“NORTH GARDEN, VA., Jan. 10, 1901. . . The oldest person in our community, known as aunt Charity Jefferson, died yesterday a. m. Aunt Charity was a respectable old colored woman and remembered many incidents of the war of 1812. Her age is said to be between a hundred and five and a hundred and ten years.”
Thursday January 10, 1901, page 1
Jefferson, Mary J.
“Funeral Notice”
“Mary J. Jefferson, colored, died this morning at the residence of E. Alexander, 413 Dice Street, this city. She was the sister of Mrs. E. V. Alexander and W. J. Jefferson, of this city. The funeral will be held Monday or Tuesday afternoon.”
Saturday October 19, 1918, page 8
Jenkins, Hudson
Thursday July 7, 1927, page 3
See also: https://daughtersofzioncemetery.org/the-people/jenkins-hudson
Jenkins, Patrick
“Patrick Jenkins, of Sugar Hollow, a highly respectable negro, died at his home this week. He was more than 90 years of age, and was especially well known to the people who go to Sugar Hollow camping. He is survived by his wife, and several children by his first wife, who lives in New York. He was buried at Harriston by his first wife.”
Saturday January 2, 1926, page 1
Johnson, Cooper
“Old Servant Dead”
“Died at his home in Scottsville, Wednesday morning August 8th “Uncle” Cooper Johnson, 85 years of age. He was one of the oldest and most highly respected colored citizens of the town. During the war “Uncle” Cooper was a Hospital attendant in the “trenches” around Richmond and was a valuable and faithful servant. From the time Senator Martin opened his law office in Scottsville to the time he went to the U. S. Senate, “Uncle” Cooper was his janitor.”
Friday August 10, 1906, page 1
Johnson, Delilah
“Death of a Centenarian”
“Lilah Johnson (colored) died this morning at her home near the University of Virginia. She was probably the oldest person in Albemarle county. Five months and eight days ago she claimed to be one hundred years old. Her husband, Philip Johnson, died about twelve years ago. She used to belong to the late Alexander Rives.”
Saturday November 23, 1895, page 1
See also: https://daughtersofzioncemetery.org/the-people/johnston-delia/
Johnson, Edward
“Edward Johnson, colored, who had been employed at ‘Castalia,’ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Boocock, for the past 25 years, died Tuesday at the University Hospital.
“The funeral will be held from Zion Hill church, Cismont, at 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon.
“Edward is survived by his wife”
[The rest of the last paragraph of the article appears to be cut off.]
Daily Progress, Saturday December 27, 1919, page 1
Johnson, Fred
“Fred Johnson, the colored youth who was stabbed in a restaurant on The Hill last spring, died Friday night at the University Hospital, where he had been under continuous treatment since the affair occurred.
“Johnson was the son of Alberta Johnson, of Fluvanna County and had resided here for the past nine years.
“Burial rites were held at 6 o’clock Saturday evening in Maplewood cemetery.”
(Death record says “Pericarditis following Stab Wound” and lists burial place as Oakwood Cemetery.)
Monday August 8, 1927, page 1
Johnson, Jane
“Body Found In a Creek Near Cobham: Jane Johnson, Colored, Had Been Missing 4 Days.”
Friday August 5, 1927, page 1
Johnson, Malinda Liggon
“Faithful Servant Dies at Crozet”
“. . . She was the daughter of Moses and Virginia Liggon, who belonged to the Coleman and Williams families, prominent in Nelson County. . . . Impressive, appropriate funeral services were conducted in Piedmont church by her pastor, the Rev. A. L. Upshaw, and while her friends sang very beautifully ‘It Is Well with My Soul’ and ‘Who Will Sing’ her body covered with many beautiful flowers was laid to rest in a grave beside that of her sister, Lucy Fountain, who had died a short time before.”
Tuesday May 24, 1927, page 2
Johnson, Phoebe
“Another Death by Burning”
“Phoebe Johnson, an old and helpless colored woman, lost her life this morning at 11:30 by burning. She occupied, with other colored people, a small brick building at the western end of Jefferson street, owned by Mr. John C. Patterson. Rachael Cousins, a protege, with two children, lived in the same room. . . . it is certain the clothing did not catch from the open fireplace, but from her pipe or from matches ignited to light the pipe. . . . Phoebe Johnson was a very old woman—her friends claim that she was 105 years of age.”
Friday March 9, 1900, page 1
Johnson, Sallie
“Two Colored Residents Dead”
“Two highly esteemed colored residents of the Overton neighborhood, about eight miles south of Charlottesville, died Saturday. They were Sallie Johnson, aged about 100, and Anderson Turner, aged 85. Both were once owned by the late John O. Harris.”
Monday December 13, 1909, page 1
Johnson, William
“Expired Suddenly”
“William Johnson, colored, died suddenly in Col. C. C. Wertenbaker’s office yesterday evening. He was in the employ of W. T. Martin and was helping put up a stove at the time. . . .”
Saturday October 6, 1906, page 1
Jones, Arthema
“The funeral of Arthama Jones, colored, who died in Pittsburg March 19th, will be held from Union Ridge Baptist church at 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon.”
Daily Progress, Thursday March 22, 1928, page 1
Jones, Charles N.
“Charles N. Jones, Retired Progress Employee, Is Dead”
“Charles N. Jones, in the employ of The Daily Progress for 46 years before his retirement in September, 1947, died unexpectedly at 5:30 o’clock this morning at his home, 306 Third Street, N. W. The 62-year-old Negro came to work for The Progress at the age of 12 years. . . .”
Monday March 12, 1951, page 3
Jones, Charles N.
“Charles N. Jones To Be Buried Thursday”
Tuesday March 13, 1951, page 3
Jones, Claiborne
“Soldier’s Body Brought From France”
Wednesday July 14, 1920, page 1
*Name incorrectly spelled ‘Clairbourne’ in article. His gravestone photo is on Find a Grave at: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/198241252/claiborne-w-jones
Jones, Robert
“Men Die In Electric Chair”
Robert Jones and Hamilton Cosby
Wednesday June 20, 1917, page 1
Jones, Sarah McDaniel
“Death of Colored Teacher.”
Sarah McDaniel Jones was the daughter of Robert Shelton Jones.
Tuesday July 2, 1907, page 1
Keller, Nim
Nim Keller shot by Roy Blakey in Boonesville.
Monday April 10, 1933, page 1
More at: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/234653645/nimrod-keller-brock
Kelley, Millie
“Death of Aged Colored Woman”
“Millie Kelley, an estimable colored resident of Kelleytown, died at her home there this morning, in the 76th year of her age.
“Her funeral will take place Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock, from Mt. Zion Church, Kelleytown, [sic] the Rev. H. D. Hardy officiating at the services.”
Note that Mt. Zion Baptist Church was on Ridge Street, not in Kelleytown.
Thursday April 5, 1917, page 1
“Our neighborhood was called Kelly Town . . . Some residents who made this neighborhood what it is included my brother-in-law’s grandmother, Millie Kelly, who was a good nurse. She could make medicine–a bitter dipper–she put water in roots and made bitter medicine for stomach aches and colic.” — From “Recollections of Ella Baylor” in From Porch Swings To Patios: An Oral History Project of Charlottesville Neighborhoods, 1914-1980, Wilma T. Mangione, editor, The City of Charlottesville, 1990. Note: Ella Banks Baylor’s sister, Adele Banks, married Joseph S. Kelley.
Kelly, Celestine
“Mrs. Celestine Kelly”
Friday November 22, 1963, page 14
Kelser, Mary
“Mrs. Mary O. Kelsor”
“The funeral of Mrs. Mary O. Kelsor [sic] who died at her home 205 6th Street N. W., Sunday night at 8:15 o’clock will be held at the First Baptist Church, cor. W. Main and 7th Streets Wednesday Apr. 5th at 3:30 P. M. Mrs. Kelsor was the widow of the late Mr. Robert Kelsor a teacher in the City Public schools. Her first husband was the Rev. Martin Lewis, who built the First Baptist Church and she served as organist of the church about thirty years. She leaves a daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Bullock, six grandchildren, eight great grandchildren and a number of relatives.”
Monday April 3, 1944, page 9
See also: https://daughtersofzioncemetery.org/the-people/kelser-mary-m-lewis/
Kenney, Nancy
“Died at Age of Ninety”
“Nancy Kenney, a respected colored woman, died at her home, on Ridge street, yesterday afternoon at 3:45 o’clock. She was over ninety years old. Nancy was never a slave, being what is known as “free born.” She is survived by three children, Jefferson Kenney of Detroit, Mich., Samuella Scott and Sallie Kenney of this city.”
Saturday January 2, 1904, page 1
Kenney, Sallie
“Sallie Kenney Dead”
“Sallie Kenny, a worthy and highly respected colored woman, died Saturday at her home on Ridge Street and was buried Monday afternoon.”
Sallie Kenney was the daughter of Nancy Kenney. They lived at what is now 705 Ridge Street on property inherited by Nancy Kenney in 1854.
Wednesday February 4, 1920, page 6
Kenney, William
“Aged Colored Man Dead”
William Kenney, 88 yrs old, home near C & O depot, employee of C&O for fifty odd years
Tuesday July 9, 1907, page 1
Kenney, William
“DEATH OF WILLIAM KENNEY: Was a Man of Absolute Honor and Integrity”
Wednesday July 17, 1907, page 1
Kennie, Ella
Under “Announcements” in Classified Ads
Tuesday December 15, 1942, page 9
Ella Hughes Kennie was the sister of Fountain Hughes.
See also: https://daughtersofzioncemetery.org/the-people/kennie-ella-hughes
Kennie, Julia F.
“George Kennie’s Wife Dead”
Thursday May 23, 1918, page 1
Kennie, Sarah
“Colored Woman Dead”
“Sarah McKennie, a worthy colored woman, died at the University Hospital last night, aged 56 years. She was a sister of William McKennie, a well known hack driver. The funeral will take place from the First Baptist Church (colored) tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock.”
Tuesday January 27, 1914, page 1
The name on her gravestone at Daughters of Zion Cemetery is Sarah Kennie.
See also: https://daughtersofzioncemetery.org/the-people/kennie-sarah
Kennie, William
“Aged Colored Resident Dies”
Tuesday September 19, 1929, page 6
Although his obituary says he was buried at Oakwood, William Kennie’s gravestone is at Daughters of Zion Cemetery next to that of his sister, Sarah Kennie
See also: https://daughtersofzioncemetery.org/the-people/kennie-william
Key, John
“John Key, colored, a highly respected farmer of the Rio neighborhood, died at 10 o’clock last night at the University Hospital. He is survived by his wife and fifteen children, seven sons and eight daughters.
“The funeral will be held at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon from Union Ridge church, with interment at his late home at Rio.”
Tuesday January 26, 1926, page 1
—See also: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/127535769/john-keys
Kinney, Margaret
“Aged Colored Woman”
“Ivy, Va. June 22.— Margaret Kinney, colored, said to be more than one hundred years of age, died at 11 o’clock yesterday morning, and was buried at 4 o’clock this afternoon. She was highly respected throughout this section.”
Tuesday June 23, 1908, page 1