obituary notes E–G

Edmonds, Harriet Brown
“Funeral of Harriet Brown Edmonds.”
   “Harriet B. Edmonds, wife of the late John L. Edmonds, and sister of Charles H. and W. F. Brown, the well known barbers at the University, died Sunday night, after a ten-days’ illness of heart trouble, in the thirty-seventh year of her age. Four children survive.
“The funeral took place at 3 o’clock this afternoon from the First Colored Baptist church, the service being conducted by the Rev. R. C. Quarles.”
Tuesday March 3, 1908, page 1

Edmunds, William H.
Wednesday March 26, 1919, page 1

Edwards, Bailey
“Death of Bailey Edwards.”
“Bailey Edwards, colored, died at his home in this city yesterday morning. He is survived by his wife. The funeral took place this afternoon at 3 o’clock from the residence.  Edwards was a shoemaker and a highly respected man. His long residence in the city made him known to nearly all of the older citizens who entertained a real regard for him.”
Saturday March 28, 1908, page 1

Ergenbright, Betty Carr
Under “Free Union Notes”
“Betty Carr Ergenbright, one of Free Union’s most respected colored citizens; passed away at her home Saturday night. She was buried in the burying ground near her home.”
Saturday August 10, 1929, page 2

Falwell, Nannie
“NANNIE FARWELL [sic] DIES IN NELSON COUNTY: Was Mother of Mamie Farwell, of This City”
Friday December 24, 1926, page 11

Farrar, James A.
   “James A. Farrar, colored, one of the city’s oldest and best known barbers, died at this home at 5 o’clock Saturday afternoon. He had been ill for the past three years.
   “The funeral was held from the First Baptist Church, colored, near Union Station, at 3.30 o’clock Monday afternoon.
   “He is survived by his wife, two grandsons, one great grandson, and a nephew.”
Wednesday August 11, 1920, page 1

Farrar, Tom
“Tom Farrar, a well known colored barber, recently employed at Fleming’s barber shop, died at the Albemarle Hospital at 1 o’clock yesterday morning from injuries received while attempting to board a freight train at Gordonsville Saturday . . .”
Monday April 20, 1908, page 1

Faucette, Thomas J. “Buck”
“Faithful Porter Dead”
   “T. J. Faucette (colored), generally known by the name “Buck,” the Gleason Hotel porter, died yesterday morning about 4 o’clock in the University Hospital.
   “Buck was about 45 years old and had been acting as porter at the Gleason every since it was first opened 15 years ago . . . He was kind to all with whom he came in contact, always willing to do anything he could that would make the surroundings more pleasant and to any who were in need. . . . He was one of the old school of darkies of which few can be found at the present day.”
Monday June 12, 1911, page 1

Ferguson, Amanda Farrar
“Faithful Nurse Dies at Seventy”
Tuesday February 3, 1925, page 1
Second wife and widow of James H. Ferguson; her first husband was Jesse Farrar.
More at:

Ferguson, George R.
   “Dr. George R. Ferguson, well known colored physician who has been practicing his profession here for nearly twenty-five years, died yesterday at University Hospital.
   Dr. Ferguson was a native of Ohio and was educated at Howard University. He was twice married. He is survived by his second wife; a daughter, who is a librarian in Cleveland, O., and a son who is attending school in Petersburg.
   “The funeral will be held at 2:30 o’clock tomorrow afternoon from the First Baptist Church (colored).”
Daily Progress, Thursday December 8, 1932, page 11

Ferguson, James H.
“Aged Colored Man Found Dead”
Although the article says George Ferguson, this is clearly James H. Ferguson.
“George Ferguson, [sic] colored, aged 84 years, formerly of the partnership of Ferguson & West, in the barber business, when the shop was located on Main Street, this city, was found dead in bed this morning at his home near the top of Vinegar Hill.
   “Ferguson is said to have been the oldest colored Mason in the State, and was highly respected and liked by both white and colored residents throughout the city.
   “He was a member of the colored First Baptist church, and on numerous occasions occupied the pulpit in the absence of the regular minister.”
Wednesday October 29, 1924, page 9

Ferguson, James H.
“Funeral Notice”
Thursday October 30, 1924, page 3

Ferguson, Sarah Farrar
“Wife of Well Known Colored Barber Dead”
“Sarah J. Ferguson, wife of James H. Ferguson, the well known colored barber, died at 6.45 o’clock this morning. She was, before marriage, Sarah P. Farrar, a leading family of the colored race in this section for generations. She was born July 31st., 1844.”
Saturday May 4, 1918, page 1

Fields, Rachel
Under “Announcements” in Classified Ads
Saturday April 10, 1948, page 7

Fleming, Fannie West
“The wife of Penny Fleming, a well-known barber of the city, died at her home last evening and will be buried tomorrow. She is a daughter of John West, another well-known barber.”
Monday April 21, 1902, page 1
See also:

Fleming, Ned
“Ned Fleming, one of Charlottesville’s oldest colored barbers, died at his home on Preston Avenue Wednesday, after a short illness. The funeral will be held from the First Baptist Church (colored) Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. The burial will be in Oak Hill Cemetery.”
Friday November 27, 1914, page 1
See also:

Fletcher, Joe
“NEGRO SOLDIER KILLED: By Jailor Dawson of Staunton, In Self Defence”
   “STAUNTON, VA., April 6—Joe Fletcher, a colored soldier, on his way from Fort Meyer to Huachuca, [sic] Arizona, was shot and killed in the city jail this morning by Mr. T. A. Dawson, the jailer.”
   “Fletcher left Washington on the F. F. V. Chesapeake and Ohio train at 11;10 last night. He commenced to drink heavily, and after the train left Charlottesville he became unmanageable, drawing out a knife and threatening to kill those who tried to quiet him. When the train reached this city, the negro was gotten from the car with great difficulty, escorted to the jail and turned over to Jailor Dawson. Just as that officer opened the cell door the negro whipped out a knife from an inside pocket and attempted to stab him, but the jailor was too quick and sent two bullets into the negro’s body, causing instant death.”
Joseph Fletcher served in the 9th Cavalry, Co. F. Military records show that he re-enlisted at Fort Myer of April 4, received orders for a transfer to Fort Huachuca on April 5, and on April 6 was “Shot while resisting arrest by Civil authorities, this while enroute to join troop.”
Friday April 6, 1900, page 1

Fortune, Fannie
“Fannie Fortune Dies”
   “Funeral rites for Fannie Fortune, 77, colored servant who had served four generations of the Carr and Rogers families in the county, were held yesterday at ‘Aspin Hill,’ near North Garden, former home of the late Samuel D. Carr, and now owned by his granddaughter, Mrs. James Carpenter, of Fry’s Spring.
   “During the Civil War her parents, Si and Maria Fortune, were captured by Federals and spirited away. Fannie, then only one month of age, was left with the Carr family and had since remained in the employ of their descendants.
   “The service yesterday was conducted by Edwin S. Sweeney, pastor of the Christian Church, this city. The pallbearers were direct descendants of slaves owned by the late Dabney Carr. Hymns were rendered by the choir of Zion Baptist Church, colored. Interment was in the family burying ground.”
Thursday February 22, 1940, page 3

Fortune, Robert
“Robert Fortune, Worthy Colored Man Dies”
“Robert Fortune, a highly respected colored man, died Tuesday at a local hospital. ‘Bob,’ as he was familiarly known to many persons, was a faithful servant in the family of Mrs. George L. Bruffey, of the University community, for a long term of years.”
Friday August 28, 1925, page 1

Fossett, Peter
““DEATH OF PETER FOSSETT. Jefferson’s Servant Accumulated a Fortune.”
   “The rev. Peter Fosset, born in 1815, on the Jefferson Plantation, Monticello, Va., and servant of Thomas Jefferson until the latter’s death, died in Cincinnati last night.
   “He bought his freedom in 1848 and moved to Cincinnati where he became a Baptist preacher and assisted Levi Coffin in his underground railroad work of freeing slaves. After the war he became a caterer and accumulated a fortune. Last August he revisited Charlottesville and Monticello after an absence of fifty years, and upon his return expressed his readiness to die.
   “He was an uncle of ‘Buck’ Fossett, a well-known hotel porter of this city.”
Saturday January 5, 1901, page 1

Fossett, T. J.  — See Faucette, Thomas J. “Buck”

Franklin, Morris E.
Under “Death Notices” in Classified Ads
Monday November 11, 1963, page 24

Fuller, Charles
   “Charles Fuller, head waiter at a number of Virginia resorts but more recently a janitor at the City Hall and sexton at the Christian Church, died today at the Petersburg Asylum, where he was taken about two months ago. He is survived by his wife and three children.
   “At one time Fuller was coachman for the late General Thomas L. Rosser.”
Friday February 4, 1916, page 1

Fuller, Stewart R.
“Stewart R. Fuller”
Tuesday December 22, 1964, page 16

Fuller, Stewart
“Veteran University Employe Dies After 56 Years Service”
Daily Progress, Wednesday December 23, 1964, page 13


Gamble, Nancy
“Worthy Colored Woman Dead.” 
Monday March 7, 1910, page 1

Garland, Mollie B.
Under “Death Notices” in Classified Ads
Wednesday July 10, 1963, page 24

Gates, R. W.
“R. W. Gates, a respectable colored man, died here yesterday and was buried this evening. If he needed a tribute, it was enough that he was a Democrat.”
Tuesday July 31, 1900, page 1

Gibbons, Ned
Friday September 2, 1927, page 1

Gibbons, William C.
Monday March 18, 1918, page 1

Gibbons, William P.
Monday February 19, 1912, page 1

Gibson, Stephen
“Colored Preacher Dead.” (Rev. Stephen Gibson of Scottsville)
Saturday January 13, 1900, page 1

Gillum, Robert
Under “ODDS AND ENDS” column
Friday March 5, 1897, page1

Gilmer, Elijah
“Worthy Colored Man Dead.”
   “Elijah Gilmer, one of the city’s most worthy and respected colored citizens, died at midnight last night at his home at the corner of Market and Second streets, east. He was a boot and shoemaker for a long term of years and was known to most of our old citizens. He was about eight-eight years of age.
   “The funeral will take place at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon from the Delavan church.”
Tuesday December 8, 1908, page 1
Elijah Gilmer’s “home at the corner of Market and Second streets” was purchased by Cornelia Gilmer in 1876 and was owned by the Gilmer family for 46 years. That site later became the home of Fellini’s Restaurant.

Gilmer, Jane
“Aged Colored Woman Dead” (wife of Elijah Gilmer)
Friday July 3, 1914, page 1

Gilmore, John
“John Gilmore Dies”
Tuesday January 15, 1929, page 3

Gilmore, Loula
Under “Odds and Ends” column
“Mrs. Loula B. Gilmore, wife of Webster Gilmore and daughter of Noah Jackson, colored, died yesterday in the 22nd year of her age. The funeral services will take place at the First Colored Baptist church tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock.”
Thursday October 27, 1898, page 1

Girard, Anna Whitlock
“Brought Here for Interment”
Monday January 30, 1911, page 1

Goins, Patsy
“Funeral of Mrs. Patsy Goins”
Monday February 18, 1901, page 1

Goins, Robert
Under “Odds and Ends” column
“Robert Goins, a well known colored character, died at his home near Hartman’s Mill yesterday afternoon.”
Monday February 15, 1897, page 1
Goins, Sarah Lucy Snead
“Funeral Rites Today For Sarah Goins”
Daily Progress, Thursday February 24, 1927, page 3

Goins, Sarah Lucy Snead
Tribute to Sarah Goins by Edwin A. Alderman, President of the University of Virginia
Daily Progress, Wednesday March 2, 1927, page 6

Goins, Sarah Lucy Snead
“In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Sarah L. Goins, who died February 22, 1927. Mrs. Virginia C. Tonsler, Wm. F. Goins, Frank R. Goins.”
Daily Progress, Friday February 22, 1929, page 1

Goodloe, Courtney D.
Courtney D. Goodloe Death Notice and Notice to Jefferson Lodge
Friday October 31, 1947, page 11

Goodloe, James
“Well Known Colored Man Dead” (James Goodloe)
Wednesday January 30, 1907, page 1

Gordon, Ella Gillum
“Esteemed Colored Woman Dead”
Wednesday November 21, 1906, page 1

Gordon, Reuben
“Reuben Gordon Dies; Long Farm Employee”
   “Reuben Gordon, Negro, for 38 years an employee of Blue Ridge Farms. Greenwood, home of the late Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Ortman, died suddenly Saturday morning.
   “Reuben, who had had full charge of the horses on the farm during Mr. Ortman’s life, remained on the place after his employer’s death. Besides his wife, Elizabeth, he is survived by a sister and a brother, the Rev. George L. Gordon, of Greenwood.
   “The funeral will be held at 2 o’clock Wednesday afternoon from Mt. Zion Baptist Church at Greenwood, and burial will be in the church cemetery at Yancey Mills.”
Monday October 3, 1949, page 2

Green, Daisy V.
“Funeral Held for Nursery Founder”
Tuesday February 10, 1948, page 2

Greene, George
“Colored Youth Struck By Car; Dies at Hospital From Injuries”
“George Greene, 19, negro, died this morning at a local hospital as result of injuries received yesterday evening when he was struck by a car driven by J. W. Gentry. The accident occurred near Crozet. . . .”
Daily Progress, Thursday October 4, 1928, page 1

Green, Mary
“Mary Green Dies”
Daily Progress, Thursday February 15, 1940, page 13

Greer, Conley G.
“Two Well-Known Negroes Die At Their Homes In Albemarle”
Conley G. Greer and Dr. John Andrew Jackson
Tuesday May 1, 1956, page 3

Greer, Conley Garfield
Under “Announcements” in Classified Ads
Tuesday May 1, 1956, page 12

Grigsby, Benjamin
Tuesday July 17, 1917, page 1

Grigsby, Robert Edward
Under “Death Notices” in Classified Ads
Tuesday July 15, 1958, page 16